Crafting user-centric experiences that leave a lasting impression - one pixel at a time.
UX/UI Design
Over the course of my four months in the BrainStation UX Bootcamp, I developed SeamSeeker as my Capstone project. SeamSeeker helps small apparel brand owners source, compare and connect with responsible manufacturers that meet their brand values.
Universole Fit has developed a web app called ShoeSZR, which assists consumers in finding the right size for all shoes in a retailer's inventory. I was paired with the company through McMaster's business incubator, The Forge. My responsibilities included developing Universole Fit's brand identity, improving the user interface and experience of their app, and redesigning their website.
Back in 2020, I started the loungewear brand Imaginary Friends with two friends. We were frustrated with the lack of ethical clothing options that were simultaneously colourful, vibrant and fun, so we decided to step in. Over the past 3 years, I've been in charge of developing the brand identity as well as designing over 20 pieces that are all responsibly made in Toronto.
Tasked with developing a digital solution to improve the healthcare experience for patients, I created PalHealth: an application that helps patients engage in preventive healthcare measures to reduce the burden of chronic disease on the Canadian medical system.
Hannah Voss is a Digital Designer living in Toronto, Canada. She has an educational background in Film, and worked as a Video Editor and Social Media Manager before transitioning to a career in design.